Sleepless Night: A #Lorefight Story

Teclis tossed and turned beneath his bedsheets fully immersed in one of his prophetic dreams, his head drenched in sweat from the heat of the nearby volcano as his visions produced glimpses of a terrible future… an abduction… a vampire wielding a grand halberd… an elven baby… the screams only a mother could produce… and …

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#LF Recap 88 – Summon the Elector Counts!

88. Prince Tyrion defeated and arrested the rebellious samurai Sanyo Kawasaki over in Nippon who was threatening to disrupt trade between Elves and the East by toppling Nippon’s government.89. A chaos warrior named Archaon rose from the wastes and killed Morkar, the Twiceborn Everchosen of Chaos once and for all. Archaon takes Morkar’s armour for …

Continue reading #LF Recap 88 – Summon the Elector Counts!

Aggressive Negotiations: A #Lorefight Story!

(Set roughly three months prior to the events of #lorefight 156) Having been rescued by the noble loremaster Ba’bu’shar, Eltharion the Warden of Yvresse and his saviour mounted his griffon and flew back to the Star Tower on the Volcanic Isles. Upon landing Eltharion was instantly greeted by his peers from Yvresse, veterans of his …

Continue reading Aggressive Negotiations: A #Lorefight Story!