#Lorefight 163!

“Gentlemen, it looks like we made it out by the skin of our teeth.” Prince Oswald declared, peering through an inn’s window to see the infamous Castle Drachenfels come tumbling down. “And though we failed to find any treasure on this occasion, we’re still the first men in history to survive an encounter with Drachenfels so consider …

Continue reading #Lorefight 163!

#Lorefight 145: Halloween Special!

“We’re being watched.” Those were the words hanging on the tips of Corporal Franz Lohner’s lips as he and his companions wandered their way up the winding paths of the Arluii mountain range. The group stayed close to one another, staying alert but seeing no prying eyes in any direction they looked. Still, a chill …

Continue reading #Lorefight 145: Halloween Special!