#LF Recap 88 – Summon the Elector Counts!

88. Prince Tyrion defeated and arrested the rebellious samurai Sanyo Kawasaki over in Nippon who was threatening to disrupt trade between Elves and the East by toppling Nippon’s government.89. A chaos warrior named Archaon rose from the wastes and killed Morkar, the Twiceborn Everchosen of Chaos once and for all. Archaon takes Morkar’s armour for …

Continue reading #LF Recap 88 – Summon the Elector Counts!

#Lorefight 142!

(#Lorefight 142.1) Storm clouds gathered over Naggaroth as a small flotilla of reaving vessels who’d come from their raid on Tor Dranil docked into Slaver’s Point, a popular slaving hub located within the Broken Lands around Karond Kar where many a mortal taken from the lands East of Naggaroth soon found themselves wedded to a …

Continue reading #Lorefight 142!